Multi Family


Experts have increasingly begun to promote multi-family property ownership as one of the greatest — and fastest moving — opportunities for wealth building. This is because of one simple fact: the best investments are those that generate bigger returns faster. Investing in a multi-family apartment complex generates income far faster than multiple single family rentals and concentrates the energy and resources you would need to provide into one single location.

Multi-family properties also make financing easier. Lending institutions are typically more comfortable approving loans for properties where there will be multiple families present. Multiple tenants in one location prevents the entire burden of cashflow from being on one single tenant, making the operation more secure for both the lender and you, the owner.

With the rental pool increasing in size as more and more young adults enter the work force, multi-family homes are exploding in popularity. And although they require maintenance, it is much simpler to find management for an apartment complex than for multiple single properties dispersed throughout an area. It's really quite simple: multiple families under one roof means easier management.

More than anything, the real pull of multi-family properties is their stability. Multi-family homes hold their value more so than their single-family counterparts. And more often than not, they maintain the same customers for extended periods of time.

At Genard Company, we have the expertise necessary to guide you through every aspect of the multi-family investment process. For more information or to get in touch, please visit our contact page.